About Us
Welcome to Mission Meadows Elementary School! At Mission Meadows we involve students in all aspects of our school culture through Leader in Me program and inquiry based learning. Using the 8 habits from Leader in Me provides a framework for handling situations at school, at home, and in the community. We empower students in their education by helping them set Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) and providing them with tools and guidance along the way. Then we celebrate those goals and our accomplishments at our school wide celebrations.
We LOVE reading at Mission Meadows, and it is a big part of our school culture. We celebrate reading everyday, every week, both individually and school wide. We utilize the Accelerated Reading and our Reading Roundup program, as well as some fun motivational challenges.
We are a school with an inclusive heart. All students have unique abilities and genius. The inclusion of students with moderate to severe learning disabilities on our campus and in our classrooms give our school community opportunities to learn and grow. Our students model positive behavior expectations by including students in play and social activities where we all learn empathy, patience, kindness, and how to connect in ways we never thought possible. In addition, students have opportunities to help with important decisions, vote on ways to celebrate our school culture, and have a voice in their own learning.
At Mission Meadows volunteers are welcome. We are always looking for classroom volunteers, study trip chaperones, help with special events, or offering a special skill or talent to help us improve our school community. Please contact our school office to inquire about how you can support our school. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please call (760) 630-7884, email us at missionmeadowselementary@vistausd.org, or stop by the office with any questions or comments you may have. We encourage your involvement as a Mission Meadows Mustang!